International Child Helpline Day 2018: Fiji

The National Child Helpline is a free number that children can call on any phone from anywhere in Fiji. It is operational 24/7 and tended to by professional counsellors. Through outreach projects, the message about the service is taken out to rural areas. Medical Services Pacific staff run Child Protection sessions and show children how they […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Georgia

Child Helpline Georgia’s Facebook page reminds children and young people that they are not alone, and that they can make contact whenever they need support. Some months ago Child Helpline Georgia created a Facebook group for young people, to hear their opinions, understand their thoughts and get their ideas concerning the helpline. In particular, they wanted to […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Palestine

The counsellor working with SAWA received a call from a 15-year-old girl who had heard of the 121 Child Helpline service via Facebook. Her dreams had turned into nightmares. Nightmares about weapons, tanks, and all of the other things that she had seen going on outside her own front door… The girl was born in Gaza and […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Denmark

The Danish Helpline “BørneTelefonen” uses a lot of different technologies and media to reach different target groups: toll-free telephone lines, SMS text messaging, and a website where children can chat and give each other advice. And if that wasn’t a enough, they’ve also just launched a YouTube channel. Like most European helplines, BørneTelefonen uses the 116111 […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Cambodia

Previously, children of the Chaeb community in Preah Vihear province, Cambodia, did not have the confidence to protect themselves. When they were abused, they mostly remained silent. Now, thanks to the work of Child Helpline Cambodia, children know how to report abuse and to tell their parent or caregivers if they feel unsafe. Youth-led awareness […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Israel

“I want to thank the person who spoke to me in a text message. I left from Tel Aviv distressed because I broke up from a friend, although I initiated it. When I arrived in Akko, I was surer of myself…” Communicating by SMS messaging is just one of the ways that children have been […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Kenya

In Kenya, there are 51.1 million internet users in a country of about 45 million people, interacting and transacting from the comfort of their own homes, using phones and other technology. Most of these internet users are children and young people. Through its network of partners Childline Kenya serves everyone under the age of 18. Apart from […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Costa Rica

El Patronato Nacional de la Infancia — PANI, or the National Board of Children — is the governing body on the rights of children and youth in Costa Rica, and it has been campaigning against inappropriate relationships since 2017. Among other things, Law 9406 prohibits marriage with people under 18 years of age, and makes sexual […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Kazakhstan

A 13-year-old girl contacted the child helpline, anxious about her parents’ separation. Her parents had ignored her completely during the divorce proceedings, her father had moved away, and her mother was now lashing out at her, accusing her of being at the root of all the problems. As a result, the girl’s performance at school […]
International Child Helpline Day 2018: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Child helplines can be vital in responding to children and young people in emergencies. Here are three such cases from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. One night, while she was walking to the bakery to order bread for her mother, a 16-year-old girl was kidnapped by a group of youths who locked her up […]