Site icon Child Helpline International

Membership Criteria

Membership Criteria

Child Helpline International offers two different types of membership:

  • Full Membership
  • Provisional Membership

Full Membership

Full Membership of Child Helpline International is open to any civil society organisation, governmental body or social enterprise providing demonstrable help, support and counselling services to children (18 years and under) and/or young people (25 years and under), through online and/or offline means of communication.

To be a Full Member of Child Helpline International, the child helpline must:

  • Be a legally registered entity;
  • Have a Board and/or Supervisory Committee; and
  • Have independently audited accounts, or the equivalent, on an annual basis.


In addition, the child helpline must have:

  • A clearly defined and documented recruitment and screening process for counselling staff and volunteers;
  • An organised structure for the provision of trainings, supervision and support for counselling staff and volunteers;
  • A system for recording all activities with children and young people, and which safeguards this information;
  • A child safeguarding policy; and
  • A referral network with the national child protection system.

Full Members of Child Helpline International commit to:

  • Supporting Child Helpline International’s mission and objectives as outlined in the organisation’s Statutes;
  • Entering into a Membership Agreement;
  • Annually submitting data from their records of contact with children and young people;
  • Actively participating in International and Regional Consultations of child helplines;
  • Participating in knowledge-exchange events; and
  • Contributing towards publications, learning tools, surveys and other research activities.
  • Permission to style itself a “Member of Child Helpline International”, and to use the Child Helpline International logo to this effect and as appropriate, in its communication channels including on its website.
  • Profile and contact information published on Child Helpline International’s website and in diverse Child Helpline International publications and promotional materials.
  • Approval and adoption rights of Child Helpline International’s strategy and other constitutional documents.
  • Eligibility for nomination to serve on Child Helpline International’s Supervisory Board as a Regional Representative (with applicable conditions).
  • Eligibility to serve on Taskforces and Advisory Groups as may be convened from time to time.
  • Access to Child Helpline International’s member services including, but not limited to, knowledge-exchanges and skillshares, eLearnings and other training activities, seminars and presentations, Communities of Practice and Working Groups.
  • Access to an international network of like-minded organisations around the world.
  1. Completed Membership Application.
  2. Two Reference Letters from national government bodies, INGOs, partner organisations (with at least one being from either a UN body or national authority).
  3. Proof of legal entity registration.
  4. Most recent independently-audited accounts.
  5. Child safeguarding/protection policy.
  6. Evidence of a screening procedure and policy.
  1. Completion of Child Helpline International data questionnaire.
  2. Completion of Core Quality Standards self-assessment.
  3. Payment of annual Membership Fee.

Provisional Membership

Provisional membership is available for any civil society organisation, governmental body or social enterprise that:

  • Has been providing help, support and counselling services to children (18 years and under) and/or young people (25 years and under) through online and/or offline means of communication for less than 12 months; or
  • Aims to start providing help, support and counselling services to children (18 years and under) and/or young people (25 years and under) through online and/or offline means of communication within the next three years; or
  • Already provides help, support and counselling services to another target group, for example parents, and is committed and working towards providing these sames services aimed directly towards children (18 years and under) and/or young people (25 years and under) through online and/or offline means of communication within the next three years.


Provisional Membership is offered for a maximum of three calendar years and is awarded upon the expectation that provisional members work towards qualifying for Full Membership of Child Helpline International.

Provisional Members of Child Helpline International have within the last 12 months provided, or within the next three years aim to provide, direct intervention services to children (18 years and under) and/or young people (25 years and under) through online and/or offline means of communication.

Provisional Members of Child Helpline International must:

  • Be a legally registered entity;
  • Have a Board and/or Supervisory Committee; and
  • Have independently audited accounts, or the equivalent, on an annual basis.


In addition, the provisional member must have, or aim to develop:

  • A clearly defined and documented recruitment and screening process for counselling staff and volunteers;
  • An organised structure for the provision of trainings, supervision and support for counselling staff and volunteers;
  • A system for recording all activities with children and young people, and which safeguards this information; and
  • A child safeguarding policy.

Provisional Members of Child Helpline International commit to:

  • Supporting Child Helpline International’s mission and objectives as outlined in the organisation’s Statutes;
  • Entering into a Membership Agreement;
  • Actively participating in International and Regional Consultations of child helplines;
  • Participating in knowledge-exchange events;
  • Contributing towards publications, learning tools, surveys and other research activities; and
  • Where applicable, updating Child Helpline International on a regular basis, and at least once a year, on progress towards starting a child helpline.
  • Permission to style itself a “Member of Child Helpline International”, and to use the Child Helpline International logo to this effect and as appropriate, in its communication channels including on its website.
  • Profile and contact information published on Child Helpline International’s website and in diverse Child Helpline International publications and promotional materials.
  • Access to Child Helpline International’s member services including, but not limited to, knowledge-exchanges and skillshares, eLearnings and other training activities, seminars and presentations, Communities of Practice and Working Groups.
  • Access to an international network of like-minded organisations around the world.
  1. Completed Membership Application.
  2. Two Reference Letters from national government bodies, INGOs, partner organisations (with at least one being from either a UN body or national authority).
  3. If the child helpline is not yet operational, a strategy or business plan to start a child helpline.
  4. Proof of legal entity registration.
  5. Most recent independently-audited accounts.
  6. Child safeguarding/protection policy.
  1. Payment of annual Provisional Membership Fee.


Completion of Child Helpline International data questionnaire and undertaking a Core Quality Standards self-assessment are optional, although we would welcome your involvement, and strongly encourage you to take the opportunity to participate in either or both activities.

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