Suzir’ya: Looking Back on an Incredible Journey

As we approach the conclusion of the reporting period for the Suzir’ya: Ukraine Child Trafficking & Core Crime Prevent and Accountability Project, supported by Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), I want to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve shared. This project has showcased the resilience, dedication and collaboration of countless individuals, including child helpline […]
Addressing the Needs of Ukrainian Child Refugees
Insights from the Community and Country Reports

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, more than 14 million Ukrainian refugees have crossed borders seeking safety, with Europe hosting around 6 million of them – primarily women and children. This has resulted in a high rate of family separation – about 70% – and has left children and young people particularly vulnerable […]
Launching our first Serious Game: A Milestone in Child Helpline Counsellor Training in Emergencies

This afternoon, we’re thrilled to share with you our newest e-learning. After months of work and collaboration with our amazing partners at Haunted Planet Studios, with support from UNICEF ECARO and Terre des Hommes NL, we are launching a ground-breaking serious game designed to train child helpline counsellors in detecting and responding to children at […]
Protecting Children: EU Support for Reform of the Ukrainian Child Protection System

Child Helpline International attends High-Level Meeting on Protecting Children: EU Support for Reform of the Ukrainian Child Protection System.
Kek Vonal: A Safe Haven for Children in Hungary

My journey to Budapest had never been so complete and inspiring since I got the opportunity to visit Kek Vonal, the child helpline in Hungary. My visit to Kek Vonal, also known as the Blue Line Children’s Crisis Foundation, was life changing. As soon as I walked into their call centre, I felt the warmth […]
Voices of Empathy: Inspiring Stories of Counsellors from La Strada Ukraine

It is an honour to interview eight devoted counsellors from La Strada Ukraine. Despite their hectic schedules supporting Ukrainian children and young people, as well as the current situation in Ukraine, they are eager to share their stories with us. La Strada Ukraine is one of the child helplines that participate in Child Helpline International’s […]
Ivett’s Dedication to Helping Ukrainian Children in Hungary Through Kek Vonal, a Child Helpline in Hungary

The work of Kek Vonal, the child helpline in Hungary, is significantly impacting the lives of Ukrainian children in Hungary who are struggling to cope with the effects of war. Kek Vonal is one of the child helplines that participate in the Ukraine Crisis Response Project of Child Helpline International, which is funded by UNICEF […]
Inspiring Stories of Dedicated Counsellors Helping Children and young people in Telefonul Copilului 116 111 Moldova

Telefonul Copilului 116 111 Moldova – run by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection – is a free child helpline that aims to protect children from any kind of abuse of their rights by providing psychological counselling, information about children’s rights, child protection consulting, guidance, and referrals to the institutions empowered to provide the necessary assistance. […]
Ukraine Crisis Response: 3-day Workshop for Ukrainian Participants

Between 3-5 April, a group of 32 participants from across Ukraine travelled to Krákow in Poland, to share their experiences in the final of our series of workshops on the Ukraine Crisis Response. Since the start of the full scale invasion, the organisations that these participants represented have been working tirelessly, through shelling, bombing, electricity […]
Словаччина: Linka Detskej Istoty

Linka Detskej Istoty (Лінія захисту дітей) доступна цілодобово та без вихідних, БЕЗКОШТОВНО й АНОНІМНО на всій території Словаччини. Лінія захисту дітей надає допомогу та консультації дітям, молоді й особам, що здійснюють догляд за ними. Домомогу можна отримати телефоном, електронною поштою або в чаті. Мета: надавати допомогу дітям та молоді в будь-який час, коли вони її […]