Iceland: Red Cross Helpline 1717 – Hjálparsíminn 1717

Red Cross Helpline is always open, free, confidential and anonymous and volunteers provide all those who contact with active listening, psychological support and information about the resources available in Iceland. Services Red Cross Helpline offers: Phone Webchat Operating Information Red Cross Helpline provides service in: Icelandic Opening hours are: Monday through Sunday 24/7 Contact […]
Hungary: Kék Vonal

Kék Vonal was created for children, teenagers and young adults, so that they always have someone to turn to! Their trained caregivers are available on the toll-free helpline at 116111, 24 hours a day. Services Kék Vonal offers: Phone Webchat Email Operating Information Kék Vonal provides service in: Hungarian (116111) Ukrainian & Russian (+36 80 984 […]
Greece: Together for Children 11525 Helpline

< Back to Child Helplines The Counselling Line 115 25 of the Association “Together for Children” provides free consulting support and accepts anonymous contact from children and adults. The child helpline hopes to provide psychological support and empowerment to parents, teachers and adolescents about the problems and difficulties they face in their daily lives and […]
Greece: The Smile of the Child

The Smile of the Child’s helpline is available to every child and adult to provide support in matters that concern them. Calls to the child helpline are free from landline and mobile phones. The child helpline receiving anonymous and anonymous reports for children at risk (abuse, trafficking, unaccompanied children), activates procedures for the immediate provision […]
Finland: Lasten ja Nuorten Puhelin ja Netti – Child and Youth Phone

MLL’s children’s and young people’s telephone provides the ability for children to call, write letters or online chat about any issues they might be having. Conversations are answered by confidential, volunteer adults who have time to listen. Children can contact the helpline anonymously every day of the year for any matter. Services Nuorten-Netti offers: Phone Webchat […]
Czechia: Linka Bezpečí

Linka Bezpečí is for children and students under the age of 25 who have issues or worries that they cannot or cannot handle on their own. Children and young people can turn to the Safety Line for help and advice by phone, chat or e-mail. Services Linka Bezpečí offers: Phone Webchat Email Operating Information Linka Bezpečí […]
Bulgaria: National Telephone Line for Children 116 111

The National Telephone Line for Children 116 111 is managed and administered by the State Agency for Child Protection with the aim of supporting all children and their families in Bulgaria. The operators who answer the calls are trained psychologists who 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anonymously and completely free of charge, […]
Bosnia & Herzegovina: Plavi Telefon

Plavi Telefon is a toll-free confidential and anonymous counseling line for children, young people and adults who can contact the helpline if they have a problem and want to share how you feel and what is bothering them. Services Plavi Telefon offers: Phone Webchat Email Operating Information Plavi Telefon provides service in: Bosnian Opening […]
Croatia: Hrabri Telefon

Hrabri Telefon is a non-profit non-governmental organization founded with the aim of preventing abuse, neglect and unacceptable behavior of children and youth, and providing direct help and support to abused and neglected children and their families. Services Hrabri Telefon offers: Phone WhatsApp Webchat Email Forum Facebook Operating Information Hrabri Telefon provides service in: Croatian […]
Albania: ALO 116 111

The National Telephone Line for Children (ALO 116) is a free counseling and referral service for children. This service communicates with children through two numbers: 116 111: National Advice Line for Children ALO 116 000: National Hotline for Missing Children Services ALO 116 111 offers: Phone WhatsApp Webchat Reporting Email Specialised service in missing children […]