Child Helpline International’s eLearning platform is an exclusive resource for our member child helplines.
We’re constantly developing more tailor-made learning resources in consultation with members, partners and subject matter experts – all of which are specifically designed for child helpline staff.
Our courses are also available in lots of different languages.
This page will be updated on an ongoing basis as more courses are made available.
Below, you will find a list of all courses that are currently available to our members:
Launched in: 2021
Funded by: UNICEF, Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CPAoR) and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA).
In this recorded webinar, the following topics are explored by the keynote speakers:
- Experiences around barriers to accessing helplines
- Best-practices to overcome them, including during COVID-19 (e.g. minority groups, LGBTI, disability, physical and technological access)
- A simple tool used across sectors in humanitarian settings.
Target audience: Managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2022
Funded by: UNICEF ESARO and Terre des Hommes
Topics: This module looks at how the counsellor can focus on their own well-being. The main topics of course include:
- key challenges in the work of a counsellor,
- terms such as primary, secondary and vicarious trauma,
- why selfcare is important and the impact of the work on the self, including symptoms of burnout / compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma,
- undertaking a self-care plan.
Target audience: Counselors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English, Ukrainian
Launched in: 2020
Topics: By the end of this module, you will explore what advocacy is, and how to prepare for and how to undertake rights-based and evidence-based advocacy.
Target audience: Managers and those who work with advocacy
Languages available: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Launched in: 2018
Funded by: Telenor Group
Topics: With this course, you will receive an introduction to child online protection and you will be able to practice your knowledge through 3 case studies.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2021
Funded by: UNICEF, Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CPAoR) and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA).
Topics: How we keep children engaged during crises and the main gaps and possible solutions.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2022
Topics: This module looks at various aspects of child protection, including laws, policies and responses. The main topics of this course include:
- The rights of all children and young people.
- Forms of violence against children.
- “The Four Rs” in responding to violence against children.
- Typical child protection actors concerning violence against children.
- Advice for parents and carers concerning violence against children.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2020
Funded by: European Union
Topics: In this module, you will get an introduction to how child helplines can support children in migration/children on the move. For example, you will learn more about:
- Basic rights and entitlements for children in migration, in the EU and globally.
- Key terminology and Child Helpline International’s data framework.
- Core communication skills to effectively and empathically support children in migration.
- How child helplines can become more accessible to children in migration.
- Key partnerships to improve outcomes.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2023
Funded by: UNICEF ECARO, Terre des Hommes
Topics: Together with Haunted Planet Studios, and with support from UNICEF ECARO and Terre des Hommes Netherlands, we produced 3 “serious games” designed to train child helpline counsellors in detecting and responding to children at risk of conflict-related human trafficking and child sexual exploitation. As the trainee, you step into the role of a counsellor and interact with three characters – Andriy, Olga and Olya. With each conversation, you must demonstrate key competencies such as building rapport, empathising with the child, identifying risks, and exploring constructive solutions. The narratives within the game tackle various forms of exploitation, including sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and online sexual exploitation. The game also provides valuable feedback and analysis through an in-game supervisor.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English, Ukrainian
Launched in: 2023
Funded by: UNICEF ECARO, Terre des Hommes
Topics: In this module, you will explore: what trafficking is; why conflict exacerbates trafficking; why children and young people are particularly vulnerable; and, techniques to recognise and handle cases of trafficking.
This module also incorporates the three case studies above to help transform theory into practice.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English, Ukrainian, Russian
Launched in: 2024
Funded by: European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2022-2025)
Topics: This is a 3-part pre-recorded webinar that will walk you through the annual Core Quality Standards self-assessment survey.
Target audience: Quality control professionals within child helplines
Languages available: English, Arabic, Spanish, French
Launched in: 2023
Funded by: European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2022-2025)
Topics: This module explains the CQS framework, its 9 standards and numerous detailed standards, the self-assessment tool, how self-assessments are reviewed, and the process of collecting members’ good practices to make best practices.
Target audience: Quality control professionals within child helplines
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2024
Funded by: European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2022-2025)
Topics: This module focusses on the adoption and promotion of a Rights-Based Approach within the operations of the Child Helpline, anchored in the bedrock principles of child rights, encompassing the rights to survival, development, non-discrimination, consideration of best interests, and active participation.
Specifically this module looks at what is a rights’-based approach, how to conduct situation analysis and incorporation into training. It also looks at collaborating with Human Rights reporting mechanisms.
Target audience: Quality control professionals within child helplines
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2024
Funded by: European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2022-2025)
Topics: This module focuses on emergency preparedness and response for child helplines. It outlines the essential elements that member organizations should incorporate into their operations to effectively handle various emergency situations. Specifically this module looks at how to prepare for emergencies (for which we have prepared a special contingency planning checklist), what to do during an emergency, and how to engage in a humanitarian response.
Target audience: Quality control professionals within child helplines
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2008
Funded by: –
Topics: This guide has been written specifically to assist organisations already operating, or planning to open, a child helpline.
Section 1: Operational Considerations and Procedures: This section explores some of the issues that should be considered when setting up / operating a child helpline service, and some of the procedures necessary to ensure quality service. This also includes suggested resources for counsellors.
Section 2: Training for Counsellors: This section focuses on how to ensure that those working at child helplines have the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to respond to children appropriately. In addition to suggested training programme content and modules, it also considers some of the more practical issues of how to organise initial training for counsellors (e.g. timings, length of training, and assessment of trainees).
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: Arabic, English, French, Spanish
Launched in: 2021
Funded by:
Topics: By the end of this module, you will have a strong understanding of: the reasons of contact of children and young people that might be more prominent during emergency situations, especially Covid-19; the adaptations that your child helpline might face during emergency situations, especially Covid-19; good practices in building rapport, exploring feelings, exploring options, confidentiality, and good endings during emergency situations, especially Covid-19; and, child-friendly good practices when speaking about emergency situations, especially Covid-19.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: Amharic, Arabic, English, French, Spanish
Launched in: 2021
Funded by:
Topics: By the end of this module, you will have a strong understanding of: the stages of counselling; building rapport; exploring feelings; exploring options; confidentiality; good endings; and, workplace wellbeing.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: Amharic, Arabic, English, French, Spanish
Launched in: 2020
Funded by: UNICEF
In this recorded webinar, the following topics are explored by the keynote speakers:
- Business continuity (including management and support of staff at distance working) and
- Managing demand (including partners relationships, triaging, threshold management).
Target audience: Managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2020
Funded by: UNICEF
In this recorded webinar, the following topics are explored by the keynote speakers:
- Accessibility,
- Communicating (reaching out to make sure children can access us), and
- Services provided when children do reach us that we know will be effective.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2024
Funded by: European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2022-2025)
Topics: This is a 4-part pre-recorded webinar that will walk you through the annual CHI survey.
Target audience: Data Researchers within child helplines
Languages available: English, Arabic, Spanish, French
Launched in: 2020
Topics: By the end of this module, you will have a strong understanding of data management, its best practices, and the main data management procedures to help you conduct better research within your child helpline.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers who are collecting and working with data
Languages available: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Launched in: 2022
Funded by: Oak Foundation and European Union
Topics: This module will introduce some facts and figures around hearing loss and will give you an insight into some of the most common causes of deafness in children. There is information about how hearing loss is measured and how people with any degree of hearing loss are classified. You will also learn about the impact of deafness, and how this can increase the vulnerabilities of deaf children.
Target audience: All child protection professionals across a variety of industries and sectors, including Counsellors, volunteers and managers at child helplines
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2022
Funded by: Oak Foundation and European Union
Topics: This module will look at some of the ways in which you might be able to recognise a possible hearing loss. We will also look at various communications methods used by deaf people, including lipreading and sign language, and we will also look at common hearing equipment such as hearing aids and other specialised devices and accessories.
Target audience: All child protection professionals across a variety of industries and sectors, including Counsellors, volunteers and managers at child helplines
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2022
Funded by: Oak Foundation and European Union
Topics: In this module, we will show how safeguarding deaf children may differ from safeguarding hearing children. You will learn more about why deaf children are particularly vulnerable, different communication barriers, and how you can make your services more accessible for deaf children to report abuse and to seek support for other issues.
Target audience: All child protection professionals across a variety of industries and sectors, including Counsellors, volunteers and managers at child helplines
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2022
Funded by: Oak Foundation and European Union
Topics: In this module, you will be reminded of deaf children’s specific vulnerabilities and communication methods. We will refresh ourselves on the ways in which you can adapt child helpline counselling practice in order to support deaf children and young people. You will then be able to apply what you have learned so far in a series of case studies relating to deaf children and young people.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2015
Funded by: Plan Nederland, Child Helpline International, Defence for Children-ECPAT, Free Press Unlimited, ICDI and Women Win
Topics: The Gender Toolkit is created for training managers to train child helpline teams around gender issues. This toolkit is meant to be a practical guide for implementing minimum standards to facilitate gender mainstreaming for Child Helpline International’s members. It is organised to provide information and different tools and resources to be used in training programmes around gender issues.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2021
Funded by: UNICEF, Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CPAoR) and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA).
In this recorded webinar, the following topics are explored by the keynote speakers:
- Identifying needs – helpline data can reveal what needs are most reported, where needs are, who has particular needs, and much more. This supports all organisations to understand the context better which then informs…
- Programme planning – helplines and organisations that deliver services can adjust and improve their programmes based on the information that the helpline has.
- Advocacy – where organisations need to advocate for changes in policies, budgets or anything else, information about specific needs can strengthen the arguments that are made.
- Creating connections – helplines can use the data to raise their voice in coordination groups, which helps to spark conversations with other organisations about collaboration and raises the visibility of the helpline.
- Fundraising – helpline data can also support mobilizing resources for the helpline by demonstrating to donors the value-added of helplines, as well as support other organisations to advocate for increased funding based on the needs that helplines have identified
Target audience: Managers, Data Researchers, Advocacy Professionals
Languages available: English, French, Portuguese
Launched in: 2020
Funded by: UNICEF Mexico
This is a series of recorded training courses aimed at child helpline operators who want to learn more about techniques to help parents or caregivers support children’s mental health.
These training courses also cover techniques for counsellors to provide remote psychological first aid to children and adolescents in vulnerable situations.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: Spanish
Launched in: 2022
Topics: This module looks at information about mental health conditions. With this information, counsellors are better equipped to: respond to children and young people; and, identify appropriate referral pathways for children and young people who need psychological or psychiatric help. The main topics of course include:
- Mental health conditions such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Thoughts of self-harm or death
- Problems related to addictions
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD)
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Symptoms
- Appropriate responses and support
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2019
Funded by: European Union
- Understanding discrimination. We will look at discrimination and nondiscrimination. You will also get a chance to demonstrate your understanding of the types of discrimination and their effects.
- Social norms and criticisms. What are social norms and how do they affect children? We will look at some interesting examples of historical and present day figures and what they have done to challenge social norms.
- Inclusion and accessibility. What is social inclusion and accessibility? In this section we will look at how child helplines can maximise their accessibility, and how they can promote social inclusion. You will also get the opportunity to reflect on your own practice.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2020
Funded by: The End Violence Against Children Fund
Topics: This module will provide you with basic knowledge and communication skills on how to identify and respond to cases of online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA).
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: Arabic, Creole, French, Kabyle, Malagasy, Malinke, Pidgin, Sossou, Spanish.
Launched in: 2021
Funded by: Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)
Topics: This module aims to enhance child helpline staff and telecoms staff knowledge of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA), particularly child sexual abuse materials, and the work of hotlines and reporting portals.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: Arabic, Creole, French, Kabyle, Malagasy, Malinke, Pidgin, Sossou, Spanish
Launched in: 2022
Funded by: UNICEF ESARO and Terre des Hommes
Topics: This module looks at how children react to trauma at different ages and presents a model of PFA for children. The main topics of course include:
- The definition of the term “psychological first aid”.
- Distinguishing between a child’s typical behaviour versus behaviour in situations of stress, loss, trauma and crisis across different age groups.
- Examples of age-appropriate responses I can provide to a child in situations of stress, loss, trauma and crisis.
- The basics to making a psychological first aid intervention in responding to trauma.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English, Ukrainian
Launched in: 2020
Funded by: UNICEF Mexico
A series of recorded training courses to strengthen the capacities of child helpline operators in active listening and detecting signs of domestic violence, in order to ensure timely intervention and referral to police services.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: Spanish
Launched in: 2019
Funded by: European Union
Topics: In this module, you will get basic knowledge and communication skills on how child helplines can best support children and young people on issues relating to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sexual Characteristics. You will learn more about:
- Key terminology
- Inclusive language and communication skills
- Common reasons for contact
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2021
Funded by: UNICEF, Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CPAoR) and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA).
In this recorded webinar, the following topics are explored by the keynote speakers:
- Protocol for handling suicidal/self-harm cases, including risk assessment, breach of confidentiality/safety planning during emergency intervention, etc.
- Evidence-based best-practices and examples, including on communication tips, techniques for volunteers/peers, child and family support/counselling after suicide attempts
- Prevention: suicide warning signs/behavioural indicators, awareness-raising and outreach to those at risk of suicide
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2019
Funded by: European Union
Topics: In this module, you will get basic knowledge and communication skills on how child helplines can best support children and young people on issues relating to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sexual Characteristics. You will learn more about:
- Key terminology
- Inclusive language and communication skills
- Common reasons for contact
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2017
Funded by: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Topics: This training module aims to bring more knowledge to child helpline counsellors about children on the move, specifically forcibly displaced children. It was developed in 2017 in a partnership between UNHCR and Child Helpline International.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
Launched in: 2012
Funded by: Oak Foundation, the Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND), Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS)
Topics: The aim of this guide is to provide practical and useful tools to enhance preparedness for child helplines in times of emergency. The guide offers good practices on preparedness and development of a contingency plan and also captures the main principles and practices on crisis counselling and intervention.
Target audience: Managers
Languages available: Arabic, English, French, Spanish
Launched in: 2022
Funded by: European Commission
Topics: The course aims to improve understanding of runaways and the drivers of running away, equip professionals with the ability to detect and respond to behaviour before a child goes missing, and encourage trust between professionals and children upon their return.
Target audience: Counsellors, volunteers and managers
Languages available: English
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