Statement in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement


“In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” – Angela Y. Davis  

The recent murder of George Floyd has put the issue of racism in the global spotlight. Racism and discrimination affect all nations, and people all over the world are mobilizing against the systemic racism and inequality that plague their countries.  

We at Child Helpline International stand in solidarity with people of colour, and especially with the Black community, and the #BlackLivesMatter movement.    

Child Helpline International, like many other organisations, is taking steps to reflect on how to further promote equality internally, and address any possible unconscious bias through, for example, reviewing its protocols and procedures. Through learning and reflection, as a team we will challenge our behaviour and thinking so that we can continue to develop and improve how we promote equality within our organisation and those we serve. 

We also commit to raising awareness on this issue and supporting our child helpline members.  

As a collective we believe that children are best supported if we understand how we function as organisations and individuals, how we relate to others, the insight on the impact we make on others, and the strength of purpose to work in collaboration with partners to provide unbiased advice and guidance to children at risk of discrimination and harm.  

Together we can fight for a more equal and just future for all.