Supporting and Responding to Forcibly Displaced Children


Children and young people crossing borders face dangerous and stark realities. Counsellors who are placed on the front lines of child helplines must learn and adapt to these situations.

A new training module, developed by Child Helpline International in partnership with the UNHCR, aims to enhance child helpline counsellors’ knowledge and support for children on the move, specifically those who have been forcibly displaced.

Child helplines worldwide are increasingly coming into contact with children and young people who have been forcibly displaced. In many cases, child helplines are a young person’s first point of contact and a trusted gateway for them to reach out for help. Child helplines empower children to seek help, no matter their circumstances. For that reason, it is vital that child helpline counsellors have a firm grasp of the issues facing forcibly displaced children so that their right to be heard can be equally realised.

By taking this module, child helpline counsellors will be able to follow a child’s journey from pre-flight, during flight and after flight while learning about the key concepts and issues associated with each phase of the flight.

Case studies, programmes and the UNHCR are interwoven throughout each phase of the flight to provide examples of these key concepts. This is so that child helpline counsellors can contrinue to provide the best possible support. Self-reflection exercises are also found throughout the training module along with a final assessment to help child helpline counsellors evaluate their knowledge.

To access this module, please visit our eLearning platform.