Recommendations for the implementation of the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive

Turning children's rights commitment to good practices

Together with our partners Child Helpline International is offering a series of recommendations for the implementation of the European Union’s Anti-Trafficking Directive. As civil society organizations with decades of experience at national, EU and international levels in promoting and defending children’s rights, we welcome the introduction of child, disability and gender rights in the Directive. […]

Child Helplines and the EU Network for Children’s Rights: Synergies and Opportunities

A few weeks ago, I had the honour to participate in the 2nd meeting of the recently established EU Network for Children’s Rights, representing Child Helpline International as Deputy Regional Representative for Europe. Organised by the office of the European Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child at DG Justice and Consumers, the meeting […]

A Vision for Victims’ Rights

On 16 November, I attended Victim Support Europe’s presentation of their Vision for a Revised Victims’ Rights Directive at the EU Commission in Brussels. This event included a Keynote Speech by the EU Commissioner for Justice at the European Commission, as well as two panel discussions led by Saskia Bricmont, (MEP at the European Parliament) […]

Child Helplines and Inclusive Practice

Between 2018 and 2021, Child Helpline International explored how child helplines could become more accessible for children and young people from marginalised groups within the European Union. These activities were part of our WeListen project, funded by the European Commission’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) (REC). Read Child Helplines and Inclusive Practices here: By using […]

Voices of Children and Young People: European Union Child Helpline Data for 2020

Voices of Children and Young People: EU Child Helpline Data for 2020

In order to understand the issues faced by the children and young people who get in touch with child helplines, we survey our members around the world each and every year to gather information about the contacts they receive. Our latest publication spotlights our child helpline members operating in the European Union, and the data […]