Looking Back: Protecting Children from Exploitation During the War in Ukraine
Multidisciplinary Workshops Supported by KIND

Back in October, I had the privilege of bringing together and taking part in two multidisciplinary workshops for select members of our network who are providing child helpline services to children and young people affected by the war in Ukraine. Funded by Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), the workshops were led by expert speakers […]
Looking Back: Children in Crisis – Self-Harm and Suicide Response and Prevention

Back in October, Child Helpline International teamed up with Missing Children Europe to coordinate a two-part interactive training for child helpline and hotline members of both our networks on the topic of responding to suicide and self-harm. The training was led by expert speakers: Koen Sevenants –Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Lead for Children And […]
Looking Back: Securing Sustainable Support
A Presentation and Q&A on Sustainable Fundraising for Child Helplines

Back in September, I had the privilege of coordinating two workshops titled “Securing Sustainable Support: A Presentation and Q&A on Sustainable Fundraising for Child Helplines” for our network of child helplines. The training was led by expert speakers Jana Ledvinová, Director, consultant and lecturer, and Jan Kroupa, Founder, lecturer and consultant from the Czech Fundraising […]
Looking Back: Accessibility in Low Access Areas

On Thursday 19 September I had the honour of coordinating an interactive workshop for our network of child helplines. Designed to support our members, the training focused on fostering the exchange of skills and knowledge to improve accessibility in area with limited access, particularly in communities with restricted technological resources. Hosted online, the “Accessibility in […]
Looking Back: Psychological First Aid

In June I had the privilege of coordinating a three-part training series – “Psychological First Aid” – for our network of child helplines. The training was led by expert speaker Koen Sevenants. Aimed at serving the needs of our child helpline members, these trainings aimed to equip child helpline staff with essential skills and knowledge […]
World Suicide Prevention Day, 2024

Today marks World Suicide Prevention Day. Established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization (WHO), 10 September each year focuses attention on the issues, helping reduce stigmas and raise awareness among governments, organizations and the general public, giving a singular message: suicides are preventable. Suicide remains a critical […]
Looking Back: Accessibility, Inclusion and Child Helplines

Back in April, I had the privilege of coordinating an interactive workshop – “Accessibility, Inclusion & Child Helplines” – for our network of child helplines. Child helplines are well-positioned to be an accessible, safe and helpful support mechanism for all children. Our motto is “Every Child Has a Voice: We Believe No Child Should Be […]
Looking Back: Advocacy and Campaigning Workshop Series

Over the past few months from February to April, I had the privilege of coordinating a 3-part workshop series on Advocacy and Campaigning for our network of child helplines. Aimed at serving the needs of our members, this training aimed to equip child helpline staff with essential skills and knowledge on how to: Create creative […]