Supporting Children & Young People’s Mental Health in Europe

Mental health concerns are a major reason why children and young people contact child helplines in Europe. This report presents mental health-related contacts to 30 child helplines across Europe from 2019 to 2022. Child helplines are heavily involved in the prevention, promotion and protection of children’s mental health, through direct counselling, referrals, online campaigns, workshops […]

Shaping a Future with Children at the Centre

How the UN's "Summit of the Future" Unlocks Opportunities for Child Helplines

The United Nations’ recent “Summit of the Future” marked a significant milestone in global governance, policy frameworks and strategies. Its final report emphasizes a forward-looking agenda that places children and young people at the heart of shaping the future. This forward-thinking vision has exciting implications and possibilities for child protection and responsive services, particularly for […]

World Mental Health Day 2024

Mental health is a state of mental wellbeing that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. Our mental health is determined by a range of individual, social, economic, geopolitical and environmental factors, including emotional skills, substance use, genetics, socioeconomic status, […]

Children, young people and mental health

10 October marks World Mental Health Day. Our European members have gathered together in Copenhagen, Denmark where Børns Vilkår are hosting this year’s Regional Consultation of Child Helplines in Europe. The opening session is focusing on an increasingly important issue for child helplines – in Europe, and around the globe: “Mental Health, Child Helplines and […]

Children in Migration & Mental Health

Observations by The Smile of the Child, Greece

Our European Regional Manager Ronja Ulvfot recently blogged about her invitation to speak about child helplines and children in migration at the Expert Seminar on European and International Policy Agendas on Children, Youth Affairs and Children’s Rights. Here, our child helplione member The Smile of the Child – based in Greece – presents further observations […]

World Mental Health Day 2022

We’re marking World Mental Health Day by publishing a new factsheet on children and young people’s mental health.