Global Child Helpline Data from 2023
Voices of Children & Youg People Around the World

Voices of Children & Young People Around the World – Global Child Helpline Data from 2023 is our latest annual publication showcasing the vital work of child helplines worldwide. This report represents the collective efforts of 80 child helpline members in 73 countries, capturing millions of contacts and providing invaluable insights into the realities children […]
Voices of Children & Young People Around the World
Global Child Helpline Data from 2023

Child helplines have a unique insight into the gap between policy and reality, making them a key actor in advocating for children’s rights. They support millions of children every year. They respond to issues ranging from serious children’s rights violations, to children who just want someone to chat to on the way home from school. […]
430 contacts. Every hour. Every day.
Global Child Helpline Data from 2022

Child helplines support millions of children every year. They respond to issues ranging from serious children’s rights violations, to children who just want someone to chat to on the way home from school. Child helplines provide an easily accessible, confidential system that allows children themselves to tell a counsellor what is going on in their […]
Voices of Children & Young People Around the World
Global Child Helpline Data from 2022

Child helplines have a unique insight into the gap between policy and reality, making them a key actor in advocating for children’s rights. They support millions of children every year. They respond to issues ranging from serious children’s rights violations, to children who just want someone to chat to on the way home from school. […]
Giving children and young people a voice…

Every year, we survey our child helpline members all around the world about the contacts they’ve been receiving from children and young people. Our child helpline members are supporting millions of children, responding to contacts ranging from children who have concerns about their mental health to children who are experiencing violence, neglect or bullying; questions […]
Voices of Children & Young People Around the World: Global Child Helpline Data from 2021

Child helplines have a unique insight into the gap between policy and reality, making them a key actorin advocating for children’s rights. They support millions of children every year. They respond to issues ranging from serious children’s rights violations, to children who just want someone to chat to on the way home from school. What […]
Voices of Children and Young People: European Union Child Helpline Data for 2020

In order to understand the issues faced by the children and young people who get in touch with child helplines, we survey our members around the world each and every year to gather information about the contacts they receive. Our latest publication spotlights our child helpline members operating in the European Union, and the data […]
Voices of Children and Young People: Global Child Helpline Data for 2020

In order to understand the issues faced by the children and young people who get in touch with child helplines, we survey our members around the world each year to gather information about the contacts they receive. This unique and vital data gives an insight into the ways in which children and young people experience the […]
Voices in Eastern and Southern Africa During Covid-19

Child helplines around the world support millions of children and young people every year. They respond to issues ranging from serious violations of children’s rights to children who just want someone to chat to on the way back from school. They actively listen to and help children and young people, and they prevent violence and […]