Saturday 30 July marks the International Day of Friendship 2022. It’s a special day, designated by the UN in 2011, when all sorts of friendships – whether with close friends, school friends, family members or even frenemies – can be nurtured and cherished.
The International Day of Friendship is all about connecting people, building bridges between communities, cultures and countries. Friendship also helps to promote a global commitment and understanding of diversity and inclusion. We may all be very different, but friendship helps us to find our common ground.
So, how can you celebrate on the International Day of Friendship? It’s really quite easy! You could send a friend a message, or you could meet up with them for lunch. You could go to a sports game, or a concert, or go and watch a film together. You could take a walk around the local park, or you could go shopping at the local mall. But whatever you do, it’s a great way to find out about all the things we have in common with each other, and why we enjoy spending time with our friends.
And you could also read our latest factsheet, which is all about friendship and why it’s so important for children and young people’s health and wellbeing! Take a look at it here…