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Voices of Children & Young People Affected by the War in Ukraine

To influence policymaking through reliable evidence, we collected monthly data on the nature and volume of contacts received by child helplines in the region. This data allowed us to gain insights into the challenges faced by Ukrainian refugees and their families, as well as local children. In this report, we delve into the demographic characteristics […]

Child Helplines in Emergencies: Roles & Best Practices

This report examines the indispensable role of child helplines in emergencies and crises, with a specific focus on Russia’s War in Ukraine. It outlines the diverse range of services provided by helplines during such times, from ensuring that children’s basic needs are met and offering essential mental health support, to more indirect services such as […]

Violence and Covid-19

An analysis of violence-related contacts with child helplines throughout the pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives all around the world, and put some of the most vulnerable among us – children and young people – at increased risk of experiencing violence. In our latest report, we have used data on the contacts received […]

Реагування на кризу в Україні: Як обрати телефонну лінію довіри для дітей

Що таке «телефонна лінія довіри для дітей»? Телефонні лінії довіри для дітей готові щодня приймати дзвінки від дітей, підлітків та їхніх опікунів. Ти можеш розповісти консультанту телефонної лінії довіри для дітей про що завгодно, зокрема про будь-які випадки жорстокого поводження, нехтування, насильства або експлуатації, яких можеш зазнавати. Також ти можеш поговорити з консультантом про свої […]

Joint Statement for European Day for Victims of Crime

Call for updated EU Victims’ laws and the publication of a new Victims Right Directive We are proud to be a signatory to this Joint Statement, issued by Victim Support Europe, standing in solidarity with all victims of crime across Europe: no matter who the victim, no matter where the crime took place, no matter […]

eLearning Platform: Our Courses

Child Helpline International’s eLearning platform is an exclusive resource for our member child helplines.   We’re constantly developing more tailor-made learning resources in consultation with members, partners and subject matter experts – all of which are specifically designed for child helpline staff.  Our courses are also available in lots of different languages.   This page will be […]

eLearning Platform: Frequently Asked Questions

Child Helpline International’s eLearning platform is available as a resource for our members. Keep reading for our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). How can I find the Child Helpline International eLearning platform? You can access the eLearning platform at I have an account but I forgot my password. What should I do? Go to Click […]

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